In the name of ALLAH the most Gracious and the most Merciful
Alhamdulillah I would like to express my gratitude and thankful to the almighty ALLAH for upon his permission and help, I am able to complete my bachelor program. Moreover, I would like to record my utmost thanks and gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Jamal Talib and the rest of my lecturer for their encouragement, guidance, continuous support and patience given to me from the start until the completion of my bachelor program.
Special appreciation and thank to all staff Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia for their helping, patience, kindness and providing necessary materials to carry out all experiment and project. My thanks also to the staff at Field 10, Field 2, Field 5 and Agrotechnology Universiti Putra Malaysia. Not forgetting, Miss Norhazura Hamzah, Liaison Librarian, Information Management Division for helped me to find journals and teaching me how to use system Web-Opac and Journal’s Online.
Million of thanks to post-graduate student, Mrs. Rosmina Zuchri for her kind help, advice and assistance. Thanks also to my friends, Miss Rosilawati Abdul Karim and Mr. Mohd Firdaus Zaiton (my project partner), Miss Tasnim Ismail, Miss Norfariza Abd. Razak, Miss Siti Suliza Salamat, Miss Nurullawa Hanim Ab. Rahim, Miss Shamsiah Mohd Ghabi, Miss Nurfaezah Saaid, Miss Nurul Hidayah Ibrahim, Miss Nurul Nadiyah Hamid, Miss Nurazhani Abdul Rahman and the rest of my friends that I can not mention here for their abundance of help, suggestion and valuable advice especially during the completion of my final year project.
Lots of thank in also due to my parents; Mrs. Rahmah Pit and Mr. Roslan Fadzillah and the rest of my family for the generous support, inspiration, unconditional love and fidelity. May ALLAH bless all of you.
Last but not least, lot of obstacle, knowledge, experiences and moral value I gained throughout the whole process of learning until the completion of my bachelor program. It reminds me, the verse in the Quran:
Verily along with every hardship is relief. So when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself for ALLAH’s worship. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes. (Al-Inshiraah:6-8)
Verily, every good matter is from ALLAH and every not good matter is my weaknesses but it reminds me to improve and learn from mistakes (introspection). But the truth is both from ALLAH. Wallahualam.
~mutiara-mutiara bertaburan~
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